Foster Housing in Kings County, CA
This innovative foster youth transitional housing program was designed to assist youth who age out of foster care to aid them in the transition to self-sufficiency. Some teens who emancipate out of foster care at 18 years of age have nowhere to live, no employment, and no educational plans. Our foster housing in Kings County, CA, is designed to provide the foundation these children need to begin building a better life for themselves.
Our housing for former fosters provides one furnished residence for program participants. The residence is for young women, and a small rent is charged with a portion rebated to the former foster youth upon her successful graduation. Several social service agencies provide assistance with education, employment, health care needs, and the development of skills such as budgeting and conflict resolution. A two-year transition period is normally allowed.
Other youths are accepted into the residence on a space-available basis.
Foster youth interested in participating in this program should notify their foster care social worker or their independent living program caseworker.