Helpful Resident Services in Kings County, CA
The team at the Housing Authority of Kings County doesn’t just want you to be able to afford safe, sanitary housing—we also want to help you take steps to improve your living situation moving forward. That is why we offer a number of resident services in Kings County, CA, designed to put you on the right track toward a better life. Contact us for more information about our available programs and services.
Family Investment Center
The Housing Authority of Kings County operates a computer learning center for residents of Sunnyside Village, Sycamore Court, and Valley View Village, as well as families that are part of the Family Self-Sufficiency program. You are welcome to use the computers and take classes at no charge. Benefits of using our Family Investment Center include:
- Learning Computer Skills to Become More Employable
- Providing Young Children with Educational Games
- Performing Research for School Assignments
- Preparing Resumes
- Getting Community Service Credit
- Having Fun

Family Self-Sufficiency Program
The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program is designed to help Section 8 participants become independent of public assistance. A custom-tailored individual service plan is created for each participant with the goal of helping them to achieve self-sufficiency within five years.

Benefits of FSS
The Family Services Coordinator helps families identify obstacles to success, such as a lack of education, job training, transportation, and childcare.
With the support of local agencies, FSS participants receive education, job training, job search assistance, and assistance with developing job skills.
Interest-bearing savings accounts are established for families who succeed in finding employment. As the earned income and rents for these families increase, money is deposited by the Housing Authority into the accounts. Upon successful completion of the program, the family receives all of the money—which may total several thousand dollars!
As families become more self-sufficient, housing subsidies become available for other families in need.
FSS participants who become tax-paying citizens reduce the tax burdens on society.
Resident Involvement
Public housing residents are encouraged to contribute to the planning and decision-making processes to make their neighborhoods a better place to live. Residents may become involved in the following ways:
Resident Council – Examples of resident council activities include coordinating neighborhood watch activities, sponsoring youth sports, and communicating with Housing Authority management about tenants’ issues and concerns.
Resident Advisory Board – This board establishes the long-range goals of the agency and determines the policies and methods that will be used to achieve the goals. The Resident Advisory Board formulates the Housing Authority’s Five Year and Annual Plans.
Board of Commissioners – The Kings County Board of Supervisors and two resident representatives sit as the agency’s Board of Commissioners. The Board reviews the agency’s operations, sets policies, and sits on a personnel appeals committee.
Public Meetings – Public meetings are periodically held to get resident feedback on proposed policies and planned physical improvements within the developments.